tiistai 17. marraskuuta 2015

A bit of this and that

Hey all!

This time I'm going to write about this and that. Nothing much has been going around really. I work two to three times a week and on my free time I try to spend time with friends and hobbies. Also I'm looking for places where to do my internship. Seriously I could be so close to graduating if not for the internship... It also appears that I'm missing a single credit after I get everything else done so I was thinking about taking a language course of some sort. Preferably Japanese or French, or Russian.


So this is a game that I played very enthusiastically a couple years back. In fact me and my brother and a couple friends of his were waiting for its release and the second it came out we started downloading and installing! It's still in development so it's getting updates every once in a while, but I think it's in very good shape right now. On top of that it's very pretty to look at and I think the creatures you're fighting in the game are very cute... For instance some of the creatures aren't hostile at all and tend to be super cute and sometimes I kill one by accident and wail in agony for doing so... Silly me. Anyways I played for 15 hours or so after almost a two year break and well, it started to get very boring quickly. I'm looking forward to playing co-op with my brother though, perhaps that's more fun.


Even though I had to work on Sunday, we went to see a gig at a local bar. When I listened to Tuuttimörkö at home I wasn't sure if I'd like their music, but live they were amazing. I really had a great time and even though we were supposed to leave afterwards we stayed for a few drinks to chat with out friends. Even though I didn't have much to drink I was pretty tired at work... But definitely worth it!

 Something I wasn't gonna share but here goes...

I am so sick and tired of a friend couple that I'm slowly starting to lose my mind. I've tried to be helpful and supportive but I don't think that anything I say or do is going to work. This mess has been going on for as long as I've known them, which is almost three years so I don't think there's any point to going to the start of their problems. But anyways, their marriage is a mess. The husband is a complete mad man and my friend is too kind and blinded by her love that she won't leave him. He beats her, abuses her verbally and cheats on her. The reason why I'm so fucking pissed is that he straight on told me that he wants to have sex with other women and after telling me that he went on trying to hit on me. And the bastard really thought I'd rather have sex with a disgusting, filthy animal rather than my own loving fiance? Fucking swine. Fucking idiot, piece of shit. And my friend just laughs and says, oh, I don't know what to do with him. What you do is you leave his good for nothing ass as you've tried to do gazillion times before. Nothing's gonna change, he isn't gonna change so what's the point? Oh, the last time she was going to leave him he "changed" for a couple of weeks and returned to normal right afterwards. Even though their relationship has got nothing to do with me they've somehow dragged me right in the middle of it and I don't like it one bit. And now my friend has slowly started to drag other people into their problems. Jeez I am just so mad. Well I already told my friend I don't want to have anything to do with her husband so that's surely gonna complicate things a bit between us all.

Sorry for opening up like that but I just had to get it off my chest. I don't give a damn at this point who reads this since everybody involved already knows about their goddamn problems. Fuckity fuck.

Anyways, to lighten up the mood enjoy this cute picture of a piggy from an anime I recently started watching.

keskiviikko 11. marraskuuta 2015

I saw Ghost!

Ghost @ The Circus, Helsinki 9.11.2015

 I think I had the most interesting Monday in my life this week! Me, my fiance and two of our friends went to Helsinki to see Ghost! I can tell it was an amazing concert since after a good gig I can't stop thinking about the band. I mean even now all I can think about is Ghost. I listen to their music, watch their interviews and live performances, and I just can't get enough of them. So now, all I need is Ghost ;-)

So how did I get into this band? Last summer I went to Provinssi Rock with the same group of friends as last Monday in Helsinki. We were staying at a friend's friend's place who was so kind to let us sleep on his couches. So before even going to the festival site we were listening to different kinds of bands and our host told us about a band called Ghost. The whole concept felt a bit funny at first since they're a metal band with heavy satanic references. But once we heard a couple of songs, we were all hooked! Our host told us that Ghost was going to play at a festival in Finland that summer but we didn't know the band so well at that time so we turned the idea down. Once we got back to our hometown, I looked the band up and that's how the love story begun... Not long after we heard that Ghost is coming to Finland again in November so we got tickets immediately! Even though it was only around three months the waiting felt like ages.

Unfortunately you can't really see anything from the photos I took. I took videos from nearly every song but my damn Huawei ruined the sound. Oh well, at least I have the experience in my memory.

What we were surprised about was how talkative Papa Emeritus was. We expected him to stay quiet and only influence the audience with his presence. In fact he was absolutely charming and at times I could feel my cheeks heat up a bit. He was funny in his own way and I was constantly snickering at his remarks. I hadn't paid much attention to their US tour so I had no idea what their show was going to be like. When Papa changed clothes and took off the priest's robes I was absolutely stunned... and charmed!

The night was amazing up until we left the venue. It was raining and after 30 minutes of wandering around we had no idea how to get to our car. We parked in a parking hall underneath Kamppi and Forum, two shopping malls located in the center of Helsinki. There were dozens of entrances to the place but of course in the middle of the night most of them were closed. Finally, we found a number we could call and we were helped into the right direction. But jeez, door after door and closed elevator after another I really started to freak out. Thankfully we were back home at around 3AM.

Anyways, all the thanks go to Ghost and the whole crew. In an Instagram picture showing their no. 1 Finnish record and a bottle of Finlandia vodka, they mention that those who didn't make it to their November gig will have a chance next summer... Hell yes! We'll be there for sure.

Thanks for reading and if you're at all curious, go to Youtube and search for songs Cirice, He Is and Jigolo Har Meggido.