keskiviikko 20. tammikuuta 2016

A small catch up

Hello all!

It's been a while since I wrote an entry. A lot has been going on and by lot I mean LOT! I won't go into so much detail but I must say that it's been a very stressful time for me. A year ago I would've had a complete mental break down in this situation but I think I'm a bit stronger now. 

Anyways, the things that I can write about here on the Internet involves renovation in our bathroom and my internship that begun last week! The reason why I've been so stressed out is trying to work out when we can go to the toilet or take a shower. Since we have no toilet or shower we're using the sauna facilities downstairs. It's so frustrating to wake up in the middle of the night, realizing you have to pee and then proceed into the cold stairway. On top of that we have sauna shifts on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, which means that we're not able to use the toilet for six hours or so in the evening. We've managed to book our own sauna shifts every once in a while but when you gotta go you GOTTA GO. So in such scenario I've ran to my father's place who lives 200 meters from here. Thankfully it should be all over soon, since this is the third week.

What I'm most excited about is my internship even though I was super stressed out because of it at first. But now after two weeks I've come to notice how much I like doing what I do. So basically I just help teachers with their computer and tech problems, install hardware and so on. Sometimes the days can be a bit quiet like today, but soon I should start a project that could well turn out to be my thesis subject! I'm so happy to actually advance in my studies and hopefully this year I'll graduate!


 I've also done some gaming since obviously I bought some new games from the Steam Winter Sales... But not much because I've been a bit occupied by watching "Gossip Girl", embarrassingly so. Even so I was madly excited about Fallout 4 before it was released but had no actual money to buy the game when it came out. All my friends have already played it but hey, I got it on Christmas! It was a gift from dad and I also got a new display card to support my new, awesome games... and yet the game still keeps crashing so there's a problem with my pc's memory (which I got from my uncle) or the processor. So I haven't played much since having the game crash is really frustrating. Oh well, I could play some today after a little break and let Rami watch Netflix instead (feeling so sorry for him for listening to my rants about Gossip Girl)

So I wasn't that creative when creating my character to Fallout 4 but that's her right in the beginning of the game. She has bright red hair on a bun and her face is covered in freckles and a scar. Plus, her eyes have black circles from sleepless nights in the Commonwealth. Her ultimate goal is to find her son and avenge her husband's death no matter what it takes. 

Alright! I won't promise to be more active since nothing exciting's happening right now but when it does, I'll be sure to write about it. 'Til then, thanks and enjoy your rest of the week!

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