tiistai 15. maaliskuuta 2016

Not much is going on...

Hi all!

So it appears that I only write every two months or so. Oh well, at least I am writing now!

Not much has happened, really. I go to work every weekday and all the weekends I mostly spend with friends. I only have three weeks left of my internship. Time is going so fast... Well it appears that I've really enjoyed my time there since it feels like I just started :-) I have to say that IT-support is something that I'd like to try again in the future. I know there aren't many positions for an IT-tech person like me in our city, but I hope I'll find something after I graduate! If I don't get employed within half a year or so I'll definitely do my masters in software engineering (if I get accepted in!). The future does feel a little scary but I'm sure that once I graduate and figure everything out it'll be just fine.

Le weekend

I agree that we've been drinking a lot lately but last weekend was so much fun! Me and my fiance went to see Deadpool on Friday and I must say that even though it was quite perverted I really enjoyed the film! I wasn't even that embarrassed to laugh out loud since some father and his two boys were cracking up all the time. And seriously I felt a bit ashamed for liking all the kinky jokes.

Afterwards we met up with some friends. We were supposed to see a band but one person in our group was being too loud and appeared more drunk than he was that we couldn't go in with him. So no band but we went to this small hipster-like bar that was quiet and we could properly talk. After a while I got this crazy idea that I want to go dancing so to a club dancing we go... And I got so tipsy drinking gin and tonic and whatnot. Saturday was terrible but after sleeping a little I was fine by the evening. One of my friends from Friday called and we went for drinks again. This time I couldn't drink that much but gave up an hour before closing time. Maybe that's for the best because apparently one of my friends almost got into a fight with some other guys. I don't like fights, I think they're scary :'-/

So yeah, a lot of drinking. We even drink during the weeks but not 'til we're drunk. I think it's been a bit excessive recently and I wish to cut back on the alcohol. But it's so darn fun to sit and chat in our favourite pub!

What else I've been up to?

Surprise surprise, I've been gaming. This time I'm addicted to a game called 'Stardew Valley'. Seriously it's the best game of the year so far. The concept is pretty basic... A relative of yours has left you a farm that you're supposed to tend to once you get tired of city life. So in the beginning your character has had enough of everything and moves to the village Stardew Valley. You plant veggies and fruit, collect stuff, fish and fight monsters in the mines. On top of that you can build relationships with the villagers by doing quests for them or giving gifts. You can even get married and have kids! My character is trying to woo a lonely man called Elliott who is a writer and lives alone in a beach cabin. And he enjoys the beer I give him so that's something!

Anyways I'll try to write more often but it's difficult since not much is happening!

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