lauantai 9. huhtikuuta 2016

More Fallout 4


So I made a small change to my blog name - I'm terrible at coming up with names so I took the nearest object I could find (a Billy Talent cd) and picked a song name that could describe this blog in some way. Nothing to do with video games, but it's a start. I'm feeling a bit feverish so I'll leave the task for another day, but I really need to do something about the layout of this blog. I'm having trouble coming up with proper words (fever) but I really felt like writing about something so here goes.

 Look at that hair! I'm currently just wandering around the Commonwealth since I've already gone through the Institution and Railroad endings. It's actually getting a lot easier even though there are some places that I still can't get close to without getting killed in an instant. I think I'm a level 50 at the moment.
 At this point I was nowhere close to 50. More like 30 and I got my ass kicked. Deathclaws are terrifying, but recently I found a soft side to these scary bastards.
 I want to think that she looks quite grateful for what I did. I had a quest where I found a bunch of broken Deathclaw eggs but one remained intact. So I had a choice between selling the egg forward or returning it to its original place. I thought that Deathclaws could finally be my buddies if I returned the egg, but that wasn't the case of course. Even so I could momentarily feel good about myself, even though I had to kill one Deathclaw on my way to the nest. Made one mommy Deathclaw happy at least!

I love taking screenshots of explosions. The top one is me destroying the Brotherhood of Steel and the bottom one is the Institute blowing up. It makes me giggle a bit that I've destroyed the Brotherhood twice already and both times it felt so good. I dunno what makes me hate the Brotherhood so much but one reason could be their narrow-mindedness towards everything that's a bit different. Of course I visited the Boston Airport with Nick the synth and Hancock the ghoul every chance I got, just to piss them off. Oh and that one idiot at the Police Station, who gives you extra Brotherhood quests... totally hated him, didn't appreciate my awesomeness.

At first I wasn't too interested in renovating my house but now I've got some great ideas. Basically I carry home everything that looks nice, vases and other trash that is. I think that I didn't build the first floor properly since building the second floor was a pain in the ass. I couldn't even make a proper roof so that's why it turned out to be a patio of some sorts. I like the second floor because it has my liquor collection! And it's still expanding...
Final picture of blowing up a level 9 Brotherhood scout. Teehee, remember not to sneak up on my turf!

I'll try to play something else so I don't always have to write about Fallout. But it's so much fun so I can't help it!

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