Hello all!
I've been wondering... should I keep this blog entirely games related? I do like to write about my personal life too, but I think that so many of my posts have been about video games that it should also be the main theme of my blog. This post will also be about video games :'-)
Fallout 4
What a view, right? I recently bought new memory to my PC and all of a sudden all of my crashing problems disappeared! What a feeling, I'm so happy that I can finally play games properly. During the time my PC had problems I thought Fallout 4 was a shitty game - of course if your game keeps crashing every 10 minutes or so you can't get a lot out from a game. But now I've been playing for 30 hours or so non-stop. And hey, the game's not that bad after all.
Let me tell you a bit about my adventures in the Boston Commonwealth through pictures.
That's my character, named after me of course. Her house is quite simple; it has everything you need. I was thinking of expanding a bit, but I haven't enjoyed crafting that much in the game.
This was a fun quest. I was supposed to fetch some... hallucinogenic gas?? It was hallucinogenic something, requested by a drug dealer living in Goodneighbor. I enter the building and it's full of gunners. It took me a while to realize that they were hallucinating by the gas leak in the building and that's why they were fighting each other instead of me. At the end of the building I found this poor guy speaking gibberish.
Explosions. Always a good reason to take a screenshot. In the picture you can also see my companion/romantic interest, Hancock. Originally I was supposed to woo Deacon but then I found out he's undateable. Shame, but Hancock has charm, too.
My first time in the Institute. It's a beautiful place! I ended up doing the Institute ending but I saved well before so I could finish other quests as well. SPOILER ALERT: I hated having to kill all my friends in the Railroad, I felt so empty afterwards. I didn't mind getting rid of the Brotherhood - a bunch of small minded fools.
Looking classy! This was part of an Institute quest, which spawned another quest. In it I was welcomed into the building by a Mr. Handy kind of robot. I was immediately being interviewed for a job! What a nice surprise, of course my character needs a job. So once I was properly attired, my task was to ummm... collect some isotopes or something? Otherwise I wouldn't be allowed outside. I ended up finding everything but accidentally found an alternative route out - in which all the robots in the building attacked me. Well, I got the job done.
Goodbye Brotherhood of Steel! Getting rid of them was actually the best part in the Institute route, it was loads of fun! Plus, my award was this beautiful scene of everything blowing up.
Yet another picture of my character doing a job for the Institute. My task was to fetch a synth with no recollection of his origins. The synth had become the leader of a bunch of raiders. Synth, if you don't know, is a robot made by the Institute but they are very human-like. So, I made my way up to that sunken ship which was their base while killing everything in my way. Like I do 90% of the time in the game.
Overall I'm very pleased with Fallout 4. It's a lot more like an FPS rather than an RPG, but that doesn't make it inferior to the earlier games. It's just a bit different and evolved. I really like the leveling up system and I hope they stick to it with the future games.
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